Plot 204, positioned at the entrance of a cul-de-sac, boasts 1,400 square meters of prime land with stunning views of the surrounding forest and a distant glimpse of the ocean. With only one neighboring property, this plot ensures a high level of...
Plot 193 offers a rare combination of privacy and serenity, making it a true gem within the estate. Spanning 1,188 m2, this secluded plot feels like a private island, with no immediate neighbors to disturb its peaceful ambiance. Set within a lush...
Nestled at the start of a quiet cul-de-sac, Plot 225 offers a serene retreat with only two neighboring properties and just one direct neighbor. Bordering a tranquil river, this 1,513 m2 plot provides an intimate connection with nature, perfect for...
Tucked away at the end of a peaceful cul-de-sac, plot 196 spans a spacious 1,575 square meters, offering the perfect setting for crafting your own tropical sanctuary. Its expansive size and serene location provide ample opportunity to design a...
Plot 271 presents an exceptional opportunity for golf and tranquility enthusiasts. Spanning 700 square meters, this prime plot boasts stunning views of the 14th hole flag, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of the fairway. Thoughtfully...